The Importance of Scheduling and How to Schedule Your Time

  • Author: Pam Green
  • Course time:
    11 minutes
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Category: Time Management
Series: Scheduling

Have you ever forgotten about an appointment? Or double booked yourself for work events? The world can spin out of control when you don’t schedule effectively.

Most of us understand the importance of scheduling meetings, appointments, or social engagements. Maybe you have a calendar where you physically or digitally “pencil it in.” But did you know that it can be equally helpful to schedule important projects, pressing tasks, and day-to-day activities at work?

In this micro course, you’ll learn what scheduling is and why it’s essential to effective time management. You’ll then learn six steps to create a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule.

  • Video time: 5.25 minutes
  • Additional Resources: Checklist to create an effective schedule