How to Transition From Peer to Boss

  • Author: Pam Green
  • Course time:
    11 minutes
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Category: Team Management
Series: New Manager

Yesterday a team member. Today the boss! Exciting, but a bit awkward. Right?

Can you still kid around with everyone in the break room or do you have to put on the airs of being more professional? Where are the lines of professionalism as the new boss drawn?

Transitioning from your team’s peer to their manager can be tricky. Team dynamics will change—and there likely will be some growing pains. This micro course will help you navigate these challenges. In it, you’ll learn about common reactions to expect from former peers, followed by seven strategies to make the transition go as smoothly and painlessly as possible.

  • Video time: 4.50 minutes
  • Additional Resources: Checklist of best practices for new managers