How to Overcome Your Fear of Confrontation and Conflict
Author: Pam Green
Course time: 5 minutes
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Category: Communication
Series: Difficult Situations
Series: Difficult Situations
Many of us avoid conflict. We view confrontation as unpleasant and uncomfortable. We believe that conflict is bad and imagine the worst-case scenario. That way of thinking isn’t only outdated, but it’s also unhealthy for you, your team, and your company. Avoiding conflict allows problems to fester and grow. Ignoring issues makes them worse, not better.
In this micro course, you’ll learn why conflict is important for organizations. You’ll also take away four steps for overcoming your fear of confrontation and conflict.
In this micro course, you’ll learn why conflict is important for organizations. You’ll also take away four steps for overcoming your fear of confrontation and conflict.
Video time: 2.50 minutes
Additional Resources: Checklist for overcoming your fears