How to Avoid Taking on Too Much at Work

  • Author: Pam Green
  • Course time: 8 minutes
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Category: Time Management
Series: Overcoming Challenges

Think about a typical workday. Do you struggle to check off all the things on your to-do list? Are 10- or 12-hour days the norm? If yes, you’re not alone. It’s easy to get swept up in a frenzy of tasks, projects, and meetings.

Being busy is expected at work, and so is stress, but overloading yourself isn’t sustainable or healthy. It’s important not to take on more responsibilities than you can handle. Otherwise, you’ll end up working too hard and getting stressed, dropping the ball, or both.

In this micro course, we’ll explore why we tend to take on too much at work. We’ll also examine the impact this habit can have on our lives, as well as how to avoid doing it. And you’ll learn concrete strategies for keeping your to-do list manageable. 

  • Video time: 4.25 minutes
  • Additional Resources: Checklist for how to not overcommit yourself