Building Consensus in Meetings

  • Author: Pam Green
  • Course time: 8 minutes
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Category: Communication
Series: Meetings

A common objective of meetings is to reach agreement on an idea, issue, or decision. For example, you might need to converge multiple ideas into a single strategy, decide on the best course of action, or develop a common vision.

Building consensus describes this process of reaching agreement in a group setting. It’s how leaders and facilitators help a team to navigate multiple ideas, competing opinions, or different viewpoints to reach a common agreement, decision, or understanding.

Building consensus is an important, albeit challenging, skill to develop. In this micro course, you’ll learn the conditions and steps involved in cultivating consensus as well as four strategies for reaching consensus faster.

  • Video time: 4.25 minutes
  • Additional Resources: Checklist for how to build consensus in meetings